Videos sending management
Support 120 STB
Convert to DVD or other formats
Videos storing
Search video via timeline or phrase
Empty the videos after watching
Auto recycling
Attach exam and answer files
After using a period of time, FL
will delete the oldest videos to release the
space for new videos. To store the precious
videos permanently, we design the collecting
function. This can lock the videos and you
won’t worry about losing!
FL protects your videos via hard
disc encryption. Even the hard disc is stolen
or connects to another computer, others
can’t view the videos.
Like SES, FL also can push the
lectures to assigned STB. However, we give
FL a new function which can appoint several
lectures with different STB.
Compared with SES, FL is
designed to store more videos than SES.
You can save more videos with FL!
Allowing more students to
view the lectures, FL supports 120 STB and
pushes the lectures to assigned STB simul-
Support 120 STB
Hard Disc Encryption
FL also can store the DVD and
VCD videos. Just import DVD or VCD to FL
directly, FL can make lecture-pushing easy.
Importing Videos
Lectures Collection
+886 4 2297 0977
Film Library
Lectures Pushing
Higher Capacity